Friday, October 30, 2009


Our children are our greatest treasures. Of course, the younger they are the more they are dependant upon us for most everything. While the caring of parents never really ends, it usually requires the most detail and attention during the tender years of birth through preschool. Children at very young ages develop quickly from a state of helplessness to one of great curiosity. Fingers, feet and heads seem to have a tendency to find themselves in awkward and sometimes risky places. If you are planning on starting a family or if you are a grandparent with young children heading back into your care, please take the time to protect your infants and children from the household hazards that are a danger to them. A good reference to start learning about childproofing or child protecting or to refresh your past knowledge is found in the brochure produced by the Consumer Product Safety Commission that you can reference by clicking on the following link:

Don't take shortcuts and don't make the mistake of favoring your convenience over your child's safety. Play it safe and protect your greatest treasures!
Nat Smith