A recent news article by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that there were a large number of accidents on Pennsylvania highways over Memorial Day weekend, killing 13 people and injuring 294 others. In addition to the increase in accidents and injuries, there were 357 DUI arrests and 7,934 speeding tickets.
We cannot stress to you enough how important it is to remain safe and alert while driving during periods of increased motor activity, especially summer holiday periods like Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. Motor vehicle accidents, bicycle accidents, and pedestrian accidents can be easily prevented with a few simple, common-sense tips:
1) BE ALERT. Do not drive while fatigued.
2) BE FOCUSED. Do not be distracted by others in the car, do not use your cell phone while driving, and especially do not text while driving.
3) BE DEFENSIVE. While you may be a responsible and respectful driver, this does not mean that everyone you are sharing the road with is also a good driver. Be alert for aggressive drivers, those who frequently switch lanes or swerve, or those who are tailgating others.
4) BE SAFE. Always wear your seatbelt. In 5 of the 13 deaths recorded this weekend, the victim was not wearing their seatbelt. Additionally, do not consume alcohol before driving or get into a car with a driver who has been drinking. 83 of the 808 crashes this weekend involved alcohol.
Douglas V. Stoehr works with clients who have been injured in motor vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle accidents. If you feel that you have been wrongly hurt in an accident, please contact our office for a free consultation. Safe driving and here’s to the start of long-overdue warm weather and a great summer!